Percy's Pointless Pictures

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A 2-day trip to London to see 'In Flames' and the sights and sounds of London. Here's a brief except I typed on the plane there...

"It's the first, and probably last time I'll type one of these while up in the air. I'm quite aware that the people either side of me can, and probably are reading this, so I'll watch what I type. Hello JS.

So I've just taken off from Newcastle Airport, and are currently up in the air. No GPS, so I've no idea where we are. Nothing much else to do other than typing this, as JS has his headphones in.

I can see out of the window, which is a Bruce Bonus. All there is to look at though are sunny clouds.

The crap weather has continued, and was particularly wet this morning, thankfully it has died off slightly by the time I got picked up.

The airport journey was non-eventful, except for the free bus ride around the car park. Also was the time spent in the airport. Except for a sousage bun that came in at something like £4.75. Ouch.

Oh yeah. The implant in my toe didn't set off the metal detector. Neither did the coins in my pocket. Well, that worked well.

Scoffing that, we watched both of the planes taking off and then made our way to the gate. Again, very little happened, except that it turned out that I'd wasted £30 on that ID card. Oh well. Didn't even think of that until JS pointed it out.

We're now just a couple of minutes from landing. I've just completed a lifetime's ambition and used a plane toilet.

Ended up chatting to some guy called Kevin who was sat next to me. Canny guy. His son was a plasterer who gained his pilot's license."

The plane on the way there is "G-EUXL" and the plane we got on the way back was "G-TTOE"

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