Percy's Pointless Pictures

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Vienna Day 3 20

Vienna_Day_3_20.JPG Vienna Day 3 19ThumbnailsVienna Day 3 21Vienna Day 3 19ThumbnailsVienna Day 3 21Vienna Day 3 19ThumbnailsVienna Day 3 21Vienna Day 3 19ThumbnailsVienna Day 3 21Vienna Day 3 19ThumbnailsVienna Day 3 21Vienna Day 3 19ThumbnailsVienna Day 3 21

Day 3 of the Vienna Holiday

Well, it would appear that you're all finding these posts too long and boring, and that all you're interested in the part where I porbably took five years off my life with stress. Who ARE you people? Do you fast forward films to the end just to see the "happy ending?" Anyway, it shows that I'm still up to blogging, I thought I was losing my touch! Unfortunately, long, drawn-out monologues are a specialty. Grab a beverage, we're onto day three!

This was another one of the days that started off exceptionally late. We'd headed off back towards Stephansplatz, as yesterday's walk was cut short by the rain. The weather looked much better on this particular day, so it was my first continental airing for my big Canon.

We didn't really stay there long. In fact, just enough time for me to get a couple of shots of just how ornate the roof is...

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